Apocalyptic Visions of Atlanta

1. Temim's first time EVER seeing the Star Wars trilogy. Shonde. The bad kind.
2. Fermented things: carrots, cauliflower, pepperoncinis. Pickled gevalt. We die.
3. Lots of time at an empty lakehouse with swimming dogs and unbelievable vegetarian barbeque.
4. Smoked fish and tofu upon arrival!
5. Incriminating cassettes from Eli's childhood.
6. Never more enneagram analysis. Natch.
7. First death metal band EVER played with: Apocalyptic Visions. "The angriest band in America." (unclear exactly what has caused this anger, still...) Six double Marshall Stacks and stories of the drummer getting impaled.
8. Show at Lenny's with tons of Atlanta queers and repping from Atlanta Palestine Solidarity (thanks Rose, and happy birthday, once more...)
10. Lots of veggie food at the Mayor's house after, and discussion about hammock-rigging.
11. Well, lots of eating in Atlanta. And Milledgeville. Good company. Thanks to Miller and Marcy. And Rusty, and Zero, and Henry Jane, who you can wrap up in a carpet like a small burrito for hours of pure contentment and entertainment.

I can't believe Temim finally, finally saw The Trilogy and I wasn't even in the same state.
Lenny's has relocated to a much larger, much nicer venue, in a much crappier neghborhood. Well, really they only moved over to the other side of the cemetary. They closed the old location on the frickin' night we were suppposed to play our "tear-the-roof-down-by-force" show. Oh well.
Let us know if you ever come back, and we will amaze you with our smooth-jazz acoustic set.
The Angriest Band In America
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